2019 – Resilience through change

The first Management Team Together meeting of 2019, hosted by Watson Farley & Williams LLP, on ‘Resilience through change’, examined the findings of PwC’s annual Law Firms’ Survey, which covers current trends and the future outlook for law firms. Presenters were...

Effective marketing

When firms first hired marketing professionals, many believed that their new recruits would assume total responsibility for a necessary evil. Fast forward and marketers are mainly recognised for their contribution to developing a firm’s brand and winning new work....

The Future Workplace

The Managing Partners’ Forum’s new People, Performance and Culture group presents the ‘The Future Workplace’ series of programmes. These programmes will examine the key factors that are driving change, and the real-world approaches that are being developed and...

Serving as a NED at a corporate

Professor Andrew Kakabadse of Henley argues that Boards of corporates should consider appointing current and former firmwide leaders from advisory firms as their NEDs as the sector’s default collegiate ‘challenge & support’ leadership style means that NEDs from...

Leading in Innovation

Digital technologies provide multiple opportunities to innovate the ways in which businesses plan, recruit, grow, strategize, and operate, but do we always know how to maximise these capabilities. Leading in Innovation offers two different perspectives on innovation...