by ManagingPartnersForum | Jun 2, 2020 | Events & Reports
When asked on a post-lockdown poll of CEOs and C-Suite at sector firms how their expenditure on training in 2020 was likely to compare with 2019, 16% expected it to be higher; 32% the same; and 52% to be lower – mostly in the range 5% to 20%. Delivery may be...
by ManagingPartnersForum | May 27, 2020 | Events & Reports
It is challenging to maintain professional relationships with people when you can’t see them in person. Don’t leave people thinking that you only remember them when you need something. As regards clients, selling with integrity lies at the heart of strong, ongoing...
by ManagingPartnersForum | May 26, 2020 | Events & Reports
The new agenda is a short poll, followed by several seven to ten-minute presentations from members and experts, mixing topic expertise and shared experiences, and finishing with 20 to 25 minutes of actively chaired group discussion.
by ManagingPartnersForum | May 20, 2020 | Events & Reports
Managing suppliers may not attract the same leadership attention as winning work, but any savings go straight to the bottom line, whereas delivering services to clients almost always incurs costs. Having qualified with Clifford Chance, presenter James Courtis-Pond,...
by ManagingPartnersForum | May 19, 2020 | Events & Reports
The new agenda is a short poll, followed by several seven to ten-minute presentations from members and experts, mixing topic expertise and shared experiences, and finishing with 20 to 25 minutes of actively chaired group discussion. These one-hour in length...
by ManagingPartnersForum | May 13, 2020 | Events & Reports
In the old normal, a relatively small percentage of people struggled with mental health, depression and other anxieties. Depending on the seniority of the individual, EAP programmes and personal counselling were usually sufficient, resulting in little direct impact on...