by ManagingPartnersForum | Feb 16, 2021 | Events & Reports
A top item on the agenda at most firms is property strategy, in particular how much space is needed and how the space is best configured. The sums involved are astronomical. Which activities and tasks benefit most from face-to-face interaction, and which are best...
by ManagingPartnersForum | Feb 2, 2021 | Events & Reports
In planning for a post lockdown world, one of the top items on the agenda at most firms is how best to sustain their culture when the vast majority of their people will be working from home for a significant chunk of each working week. The roundtable will be an...
by ManagingPartnersForum | Jan 26, 2021 | Events & Reports
Our presenters have recently been working with and interviewing boards, law firm leaders and General Counsel on actions to develop leadership pathways through the pandemic and wider market dynamics. The interactive roundtable for firmwide leaders covers key themes,...
by ManagingPartnersForum | Jan 19, 2021 | Events & Reports
The lack of common data standards, especially for unstructured data such as emails and PDFs, results in most client projects needing a custom implementation, which can be costly and time-consuming. Join the roundtable to hear from Shamus Rae and then to explore the...
by ManagingPartnersForum | Jan 19, 2021 | Events & Reports
Sustainable business transition is at the top of board and GC agendas and we cannot afford to ignore it. But what does it mean and what does it look like? Join us for an interactive and informative session with strategy expert Julia Hayhoe over how we can play a...
by ManagingPartnersForum | Jan 12, 2021 | Events & Reports
The PwC Law Firms’ Survey 2020 looks back over the past year and also considers what the future holds for UK law firms. For our first event of 2021, the Forum is delighted to welcome PwC’s Kate Wolstenholme and Tony Hodgson to share key insights on: Global...