by ManagingPartnersForum | Dec 4, 2019 | Events & Reports
December’s MTT meeting, hosted by Allen & Overy, was a presentation by organisational communications expert Andrew Lambert with written contributions from Keith Hardie, Bryan Cave Leighton Paisner’s director of innovation, marketing and business development, who...
by ManagingPartnersForum | Nov 26, 2019 | Events & Reports
One of the most important questions that any Board can ask its CEO is which management practices and what level of employee engagement are necessary to implement a strategy: If no-one at the table is familiar with managing organisations with high levels of employee...
by ManagingPartnersForum | Nov 22, 2019 | Events & Reports
This session explores the foresight, effort and resources used by firms in different business contexts to engage with their people to achieve greater performance and productivity, and how that directly translates into improved brand advocacy.
by ManagingPartnersForum | Nov 20, 2019 | Events & Reports
Our November session explores the foresight, effort and resources used by firms in different business environments to engage with their people to achieve greater brand advocacy, and how that directly translates into a boost in firm productivity.
by ManagingPartnersForum | Nov 5, 2019 | Events & Reports
Our presenters will explore how the CFO/COO can contribute to the success of their firm through measuring intangible assets or qualities such as brand, talent, reputation, client relationships and value propositions.
by ManagingPartnersForum | Oct 24, 2019 | Events & Reports
Kim Tasso, our presenter at the October session, started by stressing that task and relationship need to be kept in balance. HR tends to adopt an organisational lens whereas behaviour change is a personal issue so needs a people lens. The interaction of tasks and...