2021 winner


Shoosmiths is a UK law firm approaching £150m in fees, with a national network of offices that works together as one team.

As the CoVid crisis struck, the firm assembled and mobilised a cross-firm team. The team identified the most critical pandemic issues that their clients faced, then constructed an integrated programme of webinars and virtual roundtables to provide practical advice and explore new ways of working.

Three aspects of the programme struck the judges as being of distinctive quality: the buy-in of multiple stakeholders including employees; the use of world experts in constructing the programme; and excellent performance measures and results.

Winner’s quote: “All businesses have had to face a common challenge in the last 18 months, so the firm acted quickly to mobilise a cross-firm team to launch our ‘Shared & Halved’ initiative supplying our clients with up-to-the-minute information through a range of accessible sources – such as virtual roundtables, podcasts and events. Judges were impressed that the firm didn’t just focus on Covid-related topics but ESG topics, which we as a firm are very passionate about and are still ongoing.

“We’re proud of having delivered such a successful initiative and providing a space for clients to also talk to each other. It really was a joy to receive this award which is for everybody at Shoosmiths who has pulled together to provide the client service we’re famous for, under testing times”
Peter Duff, Chairperson, Shoosmiths


2nd place

Vieira de Almeida & Associates

In response to the Covid pandemic this Portuguese law firm developed a free access digital platform on how to manage the legal impact of the pandemic.

This involved a multi-disciplinary team and accessing the knowledge of renowned scholars, economists, sociologists, psychologists and scientists in order to explain the impact of the pandemic in several jurisdictions in three languages.

The firm was the first law firm in Portugal to have certified eLearning training via the digital training platform. The judges were impressed by the measurable impact and reach of the initiative and its overall contribution to the sharing of learning with clients, stakeholders and the broader community.


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PKF Francis Clark
Totum Partners