For the management team that has developed an employer brand that supports the firms’ culture, engages teams and individuals in collaborative working, and fosters well-being, productivity and client engagement.

2018 winner

Bird & Bird

‘TwoBirds’ as they like to be called trace their origins back to the 1830’s. However they are a million years from the image of a stuffy Victorian law firm. They have received numerous awards for their expertise and client services but the reality of a culture is best reflected by clients and employees. The judges were impressed with the wealth of independent evidence provided from both these sources – plus neutral surveys such as the RollonFridays in which they came second in 2017 – all  appreciating the firms’ innovation record, open doors, colourful personalities, lack of hierarchy and work life balance.

Winner’s quote: “We are delighted with the recognition we have received at this year’s awards. Our success in such a wide variety of categories is a testament to the innovative approach that we take in our teams across our entire network. As Chairman, I’m particularly proud of the award for Best Corporate Culture – Bird & Bird has a very unique, inclusive and nurturing culture, and it’s been a particular mission of mine to ensure this is maintained as we grow. Congratulations to all our winners, and to everyone across the firm.”
Massimiliano Mostardini, Chairman

Best Corporate Culture

Jo Caulfield, Massimiliano Mostardini and Bob Mytton (Mytton Williams)

2nd place


BDO is a large global firm but has strong local cultures. The UK firm have adopted a systematic approach to what they call “Our Unifying Culture – an inclusive and empowering culture that encourages people to ‘be themselves’, work together and deliver exceptional client service – to achieve their potential”. Using the initials EBITA (adapting the accounting term ) they have defined a cultural strand for each of the letters. The effects of this initiative, launched in 2016, are already being reflected in reduced turnover and increased pride in working for the firm.


Mytton Williams 2017


ARC Pensions Law
William Fry