2016 winner

A&L Goodbody

In response to the greater volume and complexity of bids required and a more competitive market place, A&LG has introduced a new multi-function bids platform. After reviewing international best practice it chose to develop a bespoke solution which, with the collaboration of all key stakeholders, has successfully delivered business and organisational transformation in the bids area across all departments and geographical locations.

The system consists of a “Bids Centre” which has access to the Firm’s real time systems and data, is designed to improve the life cycle management of bids, and which facilitates the efficient production of highly tailored bid documents.

The solution was delivered from start to finish within 18 months and was quickly being used for 80% of all bids. Against the background of the increased bid workload, the transformation has increased efficiency, reduced the turnaround time for bids and tenders, and improved the win rate.

Winner’s quote“The MPF awards are a great opportunity to recognise best practice in the management of professional services. They are also an opportunity to acknowledge the important contribution of business services teams and A&L Goodbody is thrilled to have been again recognised in this way.” Ian White, Director of Strategy & Business Transformation, A&L Goodbody

Use Of Systems And Technology

From left: Jon Culshaw, Susan Ahern, Ian White (A&L Goodbody) and Derek Jones (Acuigen)


2nd place

Keystone Law

Keystone Law is in the top 10 fastest growing law firms in the world and has invested in its intranet system, Keyedin, to support the firm though this growth. The intranet provides a standard interface to systems so giving lawyers control over every aspect of their legal practice but with a social media style layout.

Lawyers can manage and record client information, raise invoices, time record etc. saving each lawyer as much as two hours per day on administration tasks. News and information is prominently displayed and shared. Discussion boards and status updates encourage communication and collaboration through the exchange of thoughts and ideas.

Keystone’s structure requires the lawyers to be constantly connected and empowered wherever they may be and Keyedin is designed to maintain this social cohesion as the firm grows. The bespoke Keyedin system has enabled this to happen, speeded up admin tasks substantially, and has increased internal referral levels.