International Management Excellence Awards 2019

The winners of the 17th Annual MPF Awards were announced at a gala dinner and awards ceremony at the London Marriott, on the 5th March 2019.

Hosting this year’s Awards was  Lucy Porter, stand-up comedian, host and comedy writer.



Press release


Category: Leadership & Strategy

Best managed firm or network

Royds Withy King

(Sponsor – NatWest)

Best programme for leadership development


(Sponsor – Maytton Williams)

Best strategic leadership

Taylor Vinters

(Sponsor – CBI)

Best strategy implementation


(Sponsor – Santander)

Category: Client Journey

Most innovative client service

Grant Thornton

(Sponsor – HighQ)

Best thought leadership

Smith & Williamson

(Sponsor – Passle)

Category: Operational Excellence

Best corporate Culture

Osborne Clarke

(Sponsor – Be the Business)

Most innovative business process

Kingston Smith

(Sponsor – Barclays)

Best collaboration with external specialists

A&L Goodbody

(Sponsor – Vuture)

Category: Responsible Business

Best community engagement

FTI Consulting

(Sponsor – Business in the Community)

Most inclusive firm

Arthur Cox

(Sponsor – The Sutton Trust)

Best philanthropy engagement

Joint winners: C. Hoare & Co. 

Mayer Brown

(Sponsor – Philanthropy Impact)

Merit Categories

Exceptional achievement by an individual

Fiona Treharne MBE

(Sponsor – Financial Times)

Exceptional achievement by a management team

Bates Wells Braithwaites

(Sponsor – HBR)

Exceptional achievement by a firm

Grant Thornton

(Sponsor – MPF)
