Coaching and consulting skills for marketing and BD

Every day we help fee-earners understand what’s required for effective marketing and selling. And we have to change fee-earner expectations and behaviour. Excellent communication, coaching, and consulting skills are essential. This online workshop helps M&BD professionals transition from reactively responding to fee-earner requests to proactively helping them shape their ideas and plans.

Topics Covered

1 Changing role of marketing and business development
• The transition for marketing and BD professionals
– From tactical to strategic
– Reflecting on change (Adaptors and Innovators)
• Changing perceptions and expectations
• Establishing strong relationships with fee-earners
Exercise: Changing perceptions

2 Coaching skills
• Coaching models and processes
• Core coaching skills:
– Questioning
– Listening
– Visioning and goal setting
– Comparing options
– Motivating
Exercise: Tackling coaching scenarios

3 Consulting skills
• Consulting models and processes
• Core consulting skills:
– Contracting
– Investigating and diagnosing
– Challenging, reframing and problem-solving
– Co-creating solutions and collaborating
– Planning
– Gaining commitment through implementation
Exercise: Tackling consulting scenarios


First attendee £270 +VAT
Second attendee £260 + VAT
All subsequent attendees £250 + VAT

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Attendee details
Is your firm based outside the UK? (for VAT purposes )
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Prices per attendees: 1st attendee £270 + VAT 2nd attendee £260 + VAT 3rd attendee £250 + VAT
How do you want to pay?
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Jul 18 2024


09:30 - 13:00




Coaching Skills Academy
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